Sign up for Qeepsake
Create your Qeepsake account, by downloading our mobile app or through the web app at
Set up your
family profile
Personalize your experience for your family’s unique journey — it’s never too late to start!
Pick your Qeepsake Plan
You can choose between our Qeepsake Plus membership or our Qeepsake Premium membership!
Build your story
through easy texts
Respond to text prompts on your schedule or free journal when the mood strikes.
Don't forget about the mobile app!
You can answer your questions anytime through the mobile app, and make your own entries through the app, and upload photos! There are a lot of cool features that you can only access through the app, such as creating collages, videos, and answering Chapter questions!
Share and revisit
for qeeps
Create a physical or digital family storybook to share your memories.
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