Saving Spontaneous Entries Saving Spontaneous Entries

Saving Spontaneous Entries

There are three ways to save spontaneous memories to your Qeepsake journals. You can save them in the mobile app, text the memories to Qeepsake, or add them online.


1. Save a spontaneous memory in the mobile app:

Click on the purple plus (+) icon on the bottom of the app. This icon is the new entry button. Save your new memory! 


You can change the date by clicking on the calendar icon.  





download-on-the-app-store.png     google-play-badge.png



2. Text the spontaneous memory to Qeepsake:

Text the memory to the same phone number your Qeepsake questions come from.

Keep in mind that if you text a spontaneous memory and you haven't answered your latest Qeepsake question, your new entry will be attached to this unanswered question. 

A solution to this is to reply with "Skip" to any question you don't want to answer. That way, when you text your spontaneous memory, it won't be attached to any questions. More about skipping questions.


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