How Does Qeepsake Work When You're Expecting? How Does Qeepsake Work When You're Expecting?

How Does Qeepsake Work When You're Expecting?

Congratulations! Qeepsake has expecting questions as well as pregnancy, adoption, and IVF chapters so you can capture and cherish this incredibly special part of your journey. 

During sign-up, you'll have the option to start receiving expecting questions right away or to wait for questions until your little one arrives.

At this point, you can change your child's date of birth in journal settings in the Qeepsake App.Start


What happens when my child arrives?

You'll stop receiving questions when your selected due date arrives.

1. If your child is here, log into the app to turn on questions for your little one. 

2. If your child has not arrived yet, log in and change the due date to keep receiving expecting questions.




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