Many parents receive a Qeepsake question and wonder how much should I write? Should I write in the third person? Is there a limit on how much can I write? And many other questions that come to mind.
Here are some tips on how to answer your Qeepsake questions, and how to write your own spontaneous journal entries:
Many parents wonder if they should answer in the third person?
It's definitely a personal preference thing, but we see the majority of parents writing in the third person about their child, as opposed to directly to the child. Here's a help article with some examples!
How long should the entry be?
As long as you want it to be! Qeepsake questions are designed to inspire. We built Qeepsake for busy parents, so don't worry if your response is only 2-3 sentences, and don't feel like you're overdoing it if your responses are a full paragraph. However, if you like writing longer responses, we recommend you preview your book early and often so can get an accurate estimate of the cost of your book since it's based on page count.
Speaking of how long an entry should be, is there a character limit?
Some cellular providers, such as Sprint, Virgin Mobile, and Bell Mobility will see long text messages (160+ characters) sent to Qeepsake appear as several separate journal entries.
When you send a long text message, it is automatically split by the cell phone carrier into individual texts of fewer than 160 characters each. In cases where a long message is automatically split, most cell carriers include sequencing information so that Qeepsake can reassemble the messages into one journal entry.
The question I received does not relate to me at this time, so I can't answer it.
There will be times where you receive a question, and at that current time, you might feel that it's not relevant to answer. We completely understand that. Instead of ignoring it, we recommend replying with "skip," that way you can write your own entries without it being associated with a question. Many parents use the question prompts as a jumping off point to save something meaningful for the child. Once you feel like that question is relevant, you can log into your Qeepsake account, and edit/answer it under your missed questions tab.
When should I write a spontaneous entry?
Whenever you want! Spontaneous entries are designed to let you spontaneously text in a moment you feel that needs to be recorded. Whether it's thinking about something funny your child did while you're at work, or being up at 4 am for a feeding, you can always submit a spontaneous entry at any time.
I misspelled a word!
No worries! You can make edits whenever you have the time by using the app!
Any final advice?
Just write from the heart. Only you and your family will see these entries, don't be shy!
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